Donnerstag, 12. Februar 2009

Mirando al cielo

...I actually reserved a spot at the window when I booked the flight to Lima to be able to watch the Andes from the plane. It turned out I sat next to a really nice couple that immediately gave me tips on how to get around in Lima, how dangerous the area is where my hostel was, at the same time showing me fotos of their holiday in chile (bit annoying ;-))... As nice as they were, I had to switch to the nice german guy (hi Andreas!) I met before to chat about what we could do together in Lima, so my plan to watch the Andes was kinda screwed. The whole story ended up in me jumping around different seats to take fotos (will put them up later) of the Andes and their bleakness (IDS-people: this was my first official observation!), and me forgetting my super super funny german book (Neue Vahr Süd) in the plane... bummer (will ask my Ma if she can send me another version).

Now, I'm sitting at my own desk, in the oficina of the CNA (my organisation) in Lima (surprisingly a tiny bit more quiet than Panamá, but as chaotic and hectic as a Latin American city apparently has to be), trying to make something out of a deficiency of information... Is it too much to expect some information about the region I'm going to do my research in, starting next week???
Anyways, the people seem really really nice, and try to help me as much as they can. I actually already learned so much these two days about local markets and food security...
Let's roll back 24 hours: I had the honor to be picked up from the airport by three (!) CNA guys yesterday, however without prior notice from my internship coordinator (I do not know if he calls himself like that haha), who then dragged me to the office (I was able to convince them to let me bring my stuff to the hostel where I sneaked into the shower for 30 seconds haha) and directly to lunch (yammy arroz con pollo but much better than in Panamá)! Then a sincere conversation and presentation about the organisation was given to me! I have to say these guys, and especially my supervisor (although he mumbles and I can hardly understand him) are great, they care a lot about me and they want my reseach to be great. So thats good news!

Next week, I will move my butt to Huánuco (which I can still not properly pronounce) to start the research! Then you'll get more news.

Remember: Life's aweseome!


1 Kommentar:

  1. Is Peru net zo mooi als Brabant?

    Maar goed bezig daar en veel succes!

