Dienstag, 14. April 2009

Holidays: Lima and Tingo Maria

1. Beach in Lima
2. Agur and me after an amazing lunch
3. Agur loves Peruvian beer and food, so do I ;-)
4. Desert-like neighbourhood in Lima
5. One of my favourite animals
6. + 7. Cacao fruit: very very yammy
8. Me walking through a banana plantation
9. Me and a bundle of Peruvian kids who all wanted a photo with me... I should have charged them...
10. Beautiful sunset in Tingo Maria
11. La Bella Durmiente (the sleeping beauty) and the skyline of Tingo Maria
12. Busy Saturday in Tingo Maria
13. The famous coca bridge
14. Tingo Maria and the river (forgot the name...)
15. Selva
16. Tourist

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